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What I've Been Up To Lately...

Febuary 3,2005!!
WOW!Life For A 12 Year Old Is CRAZY!Well,As For News,I've Been Off Skating For A While,We Moved From Kingston To Hamilton,My Mom Had A Heart Attack (She's Okay Now Though),I've Had A....Interesting Life At My New School, Annnnndddd I'M TWELVE!My Birthday Was On Jan. 24.Well...Now That We Are All Settled In I'll Be Updating More.So Check Back Soon!

Aug. 28th 2004
Again,It's Been A Loong Time Since I've Updated.Skating Has Ended For The Summer,And NONE Of My Friends Have Come In Like,Ages!Nothing Much Has Been Going On Execpt I'm Possible Moving *Sigh*.Thats About It!

March 22, 2004
Wow, it has been a long time since I updated my pages. I have added my formal picture from this year on my picture pages. So much has happened this season. Let's see, it was a really tough beginning of the season, because of so many changes, but my solo finally came together and I actually won silver at Club Competition! Then we went to Interclub and I came in fourth. The funny thing about Interclub was the ending of my program.... is it possible to fall for over five minutes on one fall????? I mean, I fell on the closing jump and saved myself just before I hit the ice, then went too far back on my blade and fell all over again and actually hit this ice - I did my final pose though. Let's just say it was a 'hard' ending - ha ha! Spring School is right around the corner and new skates are needed right after that - Mom is really freaking out about that - she keeps telling me to stop growing, but I don't know how to do that.... I am the eating machine of the year right now and that usually means I am in a growth spurt - so long skates! I am really close to landing my axle jump and have a new jump combination - lutz loop - Renee is really proud of that one! Well, gotta go to bed now, spring break is now over so its back to school. I will write again soon (really, I will).

September 21, 2003
Hi there everybody!
It's been a while since I wrote, but it has been pretty hectic lately. We moved to our new place, I went back to school and fall skating started.  The Memorial Centre ice still isn't fixed, so we have been skating at lots of different places, most of them really, really cold!!!! Renee is making me work really hard, which is a good(?!) thing. I still love her, but she's tough!!!!!!! More than anything, I want to start landing my double jumps and Renee says that I have to know the correct techniques or I will never land them, so there's lots of hard work ahead. My new skates are pretty much broken in now, so its not as painful as it was this summer. I will write again when the Memorial Centre re-opens. Bye for now,

July 16, 2003
Hi everyone. Mom, Nana and I spent last night stuffing, addressing and stamping envelopes. We are working on getting sponsors, and our good friend Pat donated the picture, printing and stamps for our project! It's really neat, cause for the first time it seems like everyone else understands my dream of going to the Olympics and wants to help. I really hope we get some sponsors, because Mom was right about my skates - they are way too small. Rene was laughing at me when I told her they fit fine - my toes are actually curling under and you can't fool Rene... So we have to go to Toronto in two weeks and pick out my new skates. Our first early morning skate was fun, my legs were a bit wobbly, but it really felt great to be back on the ice. My other coach Lisa is going to teach us for the next two weeks and I am excited to see her too - I missed her.
Nothing much else is new except I finished my Harry Potter book - wow, was it exciting. Now I can't wait for the next one, which will take another year at least! Bye for now,

June 21, 2003

Since I finished skating for the spring, a lot has happened, so I thought I would give you a quick update.

Two weeks ago, I had dental surgery and they took out 9 teeth! They put me out, which was pretty cool, but a little scary. When I woke up, I couldn't walk or even talk very well, which felt very funny. I am all better now, and you should see my new smile (actually, I will include a picture taken yesterday so you CAN see my new smile!!!

I start skating again on July 9th, and I am hoping to compete in two different competitions in September. Renee says we have lots of work to do this summer, and I can hardly wait. Mom made me try on my skates yesterday, and she held her breath hoping they still fit. Guess what? No problem, I still have a bit of room. I think Mom was very happy. Well, got to go, the tooth fairy brought me the new Harry Potter book today, and I must read!!!!!
